・がん疼痛のガイドライン2020年度版 日本緩和医療学会編
システマティックレビュー・デルファイランド 平本秀二、大屋清文
・抗がん剤治療をいつやめるか?どうやめるか? 日本医科大学武蔵小杉病院腫瘍内科教授 勝俣範之編
第1章エビデンスレビュー やめないとどうなるか? 平本秀二
・がんと認知機能障害、気づく・評価する・支援する 京都大学 谷向仁編
2.がん薬物療法における認知機能障害の特徴 平本秀二
・がん治療医が本当に知りたかった緩和ケアのレシピ 倉田宝保編・蓮尾英明編
消化管内視鏡ステント留置、胆道ステント留置 平本秀二
緩和ケアで必須なフィジカルアセスメント 身体診察にまつわる実症例 大屋清文
・Hiramoto S, Kato K, Boku N et al. A retrospective analysis of 5-fluorouracil plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in metastatic or recurrent esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. American Society of Clinical Oncology-Gastrointestinal world meeting (ASCO-GI)(米国臨床腫瘍学会消化管世界会議) 2015 in SanFransisco
・Hiramoto S, Tsuneto S, Yoshioka A et al. Status of prognosis prediction in terminal cancer patients at a Japanese general hospital. 14th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (欧州緩和ケア学会) in Copenhagen
・ Hiramoto S, Maeda I, Yoshioka A. et al. Efficacy of palliative radiation for advanced gastric cancer patients.European Society of Medical Oncology (欧州臨床腫瘍学会) congress 2015 in Wien
・Hiramoto S, Maeda I, Morita T et al. Effect of the primary site on the prognosis with advanced-stage cancer in palliative care settings. ASCO (米国臨床腫瘍学会) annual meeting 2016 in Chicago →palliative care とend-of-life careのサブカテゴリーでは日本初
・Hiramoto S, Kikuchi A, Yoshioka A et al. A picture of early death after admission in patients with advanced cancer at the end-of-life. ASCO palliative oncology care symposium (米国臨床腫瘍学会緩和ケアシンポジウム) 2017 in SanDiego
・Hiramoto S, Yoshioka A, Inoue A et al. Prognostic impact of end-of-life chemotherapy in the last weeks with advanced cancer. ESMO (欧州臨床腫瘍学会) congress 2018 in Munch
・Hiramoto S, Hori T, Yoshioka A., et al. Associations between primary cancer site, metastatic site, comorbidity, and details of symptoms and treatment in advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients at end-of-life. ESMO (欧州臨床腫瘍学会)GI 2019 in Barcelona
・Hiramoto S, Hori T, Yoshioka A., et al. Association between prognosis and discontinuation by image diagnosis for advanced gastrointestinal cancer patients who received end-of-life chemotherapy. ESMO (欧州臨床腫瘍学会)GI 2019 in Barcelona
・Hiramoto S, Tamaki T, Yoshioka A et al. End-of-life care and prognosis of elderly patients with advanced cancer in palliative care unit. ASCO annual meeting 2020 in Chicago
・Hiramoto S, Yoshioka A, Inoue A et al. Effects of molecular targeting agents and immune-checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced cancer who are near the end of life. ESMO (欧州臨床腫瘍学会) congress 2020 in Madrid
・Hiramoto S, Kirishima T, Yoshioka A et al. The frequency and predictors of end-of-life symptom in patients with advanced cancer. ASCO annual meeting 2021 in Chicago
・Masuda K, Ishiki H, Hiramoto S et al. Effect of paracentesis on the survival of patients with terminal cancer and ascites: A propensity score-weighted analysis of the EASED study ASCO annual meeting 2021 in Chicago
・Hiramoto S, Tokutani R. Clinical factors associated with survival time from the last administration of systemic anticancer therapy to death in patients with advanced cancer. ESMO (欧州臨床腫瘍学会) congress 2021 in Paris
・(Best Poster Abstract) Oya K et al. Simulation training program for the delivery of death pronouncement, 11th World Research Congress of the EAPC, Palermo, Italy(Online), 2020.
・(Best Poster Award) Oya K et al. Association between bathing and survival in patients with advanced cancer in the terminally ill period: a propensity score analysis, The 13th Asia Pacific Hospice Conference, Surabaya, Indonesia, 2019.
主な国内学会発表 (シンポジウム)
・平本秀二、菊地綾子、吉岡亮他。オンコロジーと緩和ケアの統合における当院の現状とこれからの課題 第4回サポーティブケア学会シンポジウム 2019
・平本秀二、菊地綾子、吉岡亮他。腫瘍学と在宅ケアの統合におけるサイエンスとアート 第25回日本緩和医療学会シンポジウム 2020
・平本秀二 抗がん剤のやめ時をどう支えるか理論と実践 第26回日本緩和医療学会シンポジウム2021
・平本秀二 腫瘍学と在宅ケアの統合におけるエビデンスとプラクティス 第3回日本在宅医療連合学会シンポジウム 2021
平成30年度厚生労働省委託事業 市民公開講座
平本 秀二氏(三菱京都病院 腫瘍内科・緩和ケア内科 医長)
・Hiramoto S, Kato K, Boku N, et al. A retrospective analysis of 5-fluorouracil plus cisplatin as first-line chemotherapy in the recent treatment strategy for patients with metastatic or recurrent esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. International Journal of Clinical Oncology p1-7, Jan ,20,2018
・Hiramoto S, Yoshioka A, Maeda I et al. Efficacy of palliative radiotherapy and chemo-radiotherapy for unresectable gastric cancer demonstrating bleeding and obstruction. International Journal of Clinical Oncology 2018 Dec;23(6):1090-1094
・Hiramoto S, Yoshioka A, Inoue A, et al. Prognostic factors in patients who received end-of-life chemotherapy for advanced cancer. International Journal of Clinical Oncology 2019 Apr;24(4):454-459.
・Hiramoto S. Yoshioka A, Inoue A, et al. Effects of molecular targeting agents and immune-checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced cancer who are near the end of life. Palliative & Supportive Care Journal of Clinical Oncology 2020
・Hasuo H, Hiramoto S et al. The usefulness of the armchair sign for the diagnosis of psychosomatic-prone myofascial pain syndrome in patients with incurable cancer: A secondary analysis of a prospective multicenter observational clinical study. Palliat med reports vol2, 2021
・Taniyama T, Hiramoto S, Tokutani R. Risk factors of sudden unexpected death in patients with advanced cancer near the end of life.Palliative & Supportive Care Journal of Clinical Oncology 2021
・Hiratsuka Y, Hiramoto S, Inoue A et al. The Functional Palliative Prognostic Index: a scoring system for functional prognostication of patients with advanced cancer. supportive care in cancer 2020,28(12)
・Amano K, Hiramoto S, Maeda I et al. Effects of enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition on survival in patients with advanced cancer cachexia: Analysis of a multicenter prospective cohort study.clinical nutrition.2020
・平本秀二、菊地綾子、吉岡亮 進行胃がん患者に対する緩和的放射線療法の有用性 日本緩和医療学会雑誌 2015 年 10 巻 2 号 p. 514-517
・平本秀二 知っておきたいまれな大腸悪性腫瘍【内分泌細胞癌】胃と腸 第51巻第3号
・平本秀二 日本消化器病学会雑誌「皮膚悪性黒色腫十二指腸転移の1例」2016年
・平本秀二 「メラノーマと私のキャリアパス」日本医事新報 No4989 2019.12 p3
・平本秀二 國部克彦 「Covid-19パンデミック下の医療職における組織コミットメント」 神戸大学経営学研究科 (MBA) 学位論文
前施設(三菱京都病院)において欧州臨床腫瘍学会(ESMO)より、がん治療と緩和ケアの統合における実践と研究が評価され、責任医師として日本で初めて施設認定受賞(国立がん研究センター東病院、千葉県がんセンターと同時日本初受賞)。平成30年11月 ESMO designated centre of integrated Oncology & Palliative Care 授賞式 (ドイツミュンヘン)(中央は院長、左は緩和ケアの世界的権威Stein Kaasa)